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Bob Isaacson - „Was lehrte der Buddha bezüglich des Mitgefühls für Tiere?"

am Sonntag den 04. Oktober wird Bob Isaacson über „Was lehrte der Buddha bezüglich des Mitgefühls für Tiere?" sprechen. Die Sprache des Vortrags wird Englisch sein.

Bob Isaacson is the co-founder and President/CEO of Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA), an international Buddhist, not for profit/non profit organization, based in San Diego, California, USA. DVA's mission is to speak out when animal suffering is supported by the actions of those in Buddhist communities and by the policies of Buddhist centers. Bob has practiced in the Theravada tradition for twenty years. He was a civil rights-human rights attorney for twenty-five years, specializing in defending people against the death penalty. Bob is trained as a lay Dharma teacher in the Theravada tradition and teaches courses in Buddhism, leads two Sanghas, and leads both day-long and weekend, residential retreats in the San Diego area.

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