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The currently resident monks living in
Das Buddhistische Haus

Venerable Pelane
Dhammakusala Thero
Bild von Venerable Pelane Dhammakusala Thero
Venerable Pelane Dhammakusala Thero was born in 1987 in Sri Lanka. 1997. He was ordained as a Novice and became a Bhikkhu in 2011. He speaks Singhalese and English and is currently learning the German language.

Venerable Thalpawila
Kusalagnana Thero
Bild von Thalpawila Kusalagnana
Most Venerable Thalpawila Kusalagnana Thero was born in Sri Lanka and was ordained in the Theravada tradition in 1993. After studying Buddhist teachings, practicing meditation and monastic discipline, he has been a Buddhist teacher since 2000.

In Library & Temple

 Movie Screening deutsch
 July 14, 2024

 The Movie
"100 Jahre Das Buddhistische Haus"
with contemporary witnesses in an interview, including Shanti, Harald...

 Lecture deutsch
 July 21, 2024

 Ven. Kusala Gnana
Elements of dependent origination
(last part)

Lecture deutsch
July 28, 2024

 Rodrigo Gonzales
Love and relationships in Buddhism

July 21, 2024
Vas Ceremony and Pirith Chanting

August 03 +04, 2024
100th Anniversary of
Das Buddhistische Haus

October 19 + 20, 2024
Kathina Celebration


December 31, 2024
New Year's Pirith Chanting and meditation program with the monks

Featured speeches

Das Buddhistische Haus - Interview

Interview Video


Bhikkhu Patimokkha -- The main rules of the Buddhist monks --> see here icon_pdf

60 years German Dharmaduta Society - An article by Janaka Perera


Our motto in Das Buddhistische Haus
What we do, everybody can see it.
What we talk, everybody can hear it.
What we think, everybody can know it.
Dr. Paul Dahlke

The Assurance of Free Inquiry

Throughout his teachings of the Dhamma (the Law of Nature) for forty-five years, the Buddha laid emphasis on analytical investigation, freedom of thought and the value of dissent. For the first time in human history we see a teacher i.e. the Buddha, calling on his listeners to think freely, without being bound by unverifiable propositions, solely due to the reason that they had been passed down from generation to generation. The Buddha taught his followers to use their critical faculty in defining what is good and wholesome. In one discourse, the Kalama Sutta (considered as the ''''Magna Carta'''' of Buddhism by some scholars) the Buddha draws attention to some fundamental rights and privileges for the seeker after the truth.

The Kalama Sutta (Anguttara-Nikaya III, 65)

Do not believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything (simply) because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
When you yourself know:
''These things are profitable; these things are not profitable; these things are praised by ..the wise and cultivated by the wise, then accept and practise only what leads to welfare ..and happiness of both yourself and others.''
Image of an Buddha Statue

The entry request to the promotion association is in german language on-line available.
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Sri Lanka