Should you have any queries, please send us an Email or kindly visit us at the Vihara in Frohnau.
The currently resident monks living in
Das Buddhistische Haus
In Library & Temple
Sun. January 19, 2025
Ven. Kusala Gnana
New year, new beginning with Dharma
Sun. January 26, 2025
Rodrigo Gonzales
Practicing Buddhism in daily life
Mindfulness Meditation with Yoga Retreat, 3-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Yogavacara Rahula, May 23-to-25, 2025
Mindfulness Meditation with Yoga Retreat 3-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Yogavacara Rahula May 23 to 25, 2025 (Fri.-Sun.) -
Deeper Inward Practice Retreat, 4-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Sugatananda, March 26-to-30, 2025
Deeper Inward Practice Retreat 4-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Sugatananda March 26-30, 2025from 3:30 pm (Wed) to 2:30 pm (Sun)
Mindfulness Meditation with Yoga Retreat, 3-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Yogavacara Rahula, May 23-to-25, 2025
Mindfulness Meditation with Yoga Retreat 3-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Yogavacara Rahula May 23 to 25, 2025 (Fri.-Sun.) -
Deeper Inward Practice Retreat, 4-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Sugatananda, March 26-to-30, 2025
Deeper Inward Practice Retreat 4-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Bhante Sugatananda March 26-30, 2025from 3:30 pm (Wed) to 2:30 pm (Sun)
Featured speeches
- Audio: "Nibbana without the notion of I"
von Tissa Weeraratna - Video: Awaken person and commen person
by Tissa Weeraratna - Audio: Talk Ethics and Friendship
by Tissa Weeraratna
- Audio: Talk "Dhamma & Buddhism"
by Tissa Weeraratna - Audio: Talk "Balanced Mind"
Part 1-3&
by Tissa Weeraratna - Video: Speech on Vesakh 2017
by Tissa Weeraratna
60 years German Dharmaduta Society - An article by Janaka Perera
What we do, everybody can see it.
What we talk, everybody can hear it.
What we think, everybody can know it.
The Assurance of Free Inquiry
Throughout his teachings of the Dhamma (the Law of Nature) for forty-five years, the Buddha laid emphasis on analytical investigation, freedom of thought and the value of dissent. For the first time in human history we see a teacher i.e. the Buddha, calling on his listeners to think freely, without being bound by unverifiable propositions, solely due to the reason that they had been passed down from generation to generation. The Buddha taught his followers to use their critical faculty in defining what is good and wholesome. In one discourse, the Kalama Sutta (considered as the ''''Magna Carta'''' of Buddhism by some scholars) the Buddha draws attention to some fundamental rights and privileges for the seeker after the truth.
Do not believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything (simply) because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
''These things are profitable; these things are not profitable; these things are praised by ..the wise and cultivated by the wise, then accept and practise only what leads to welfare ..and happiness of both yourself and others.''
The entry request to the promotion association is in german language on-line available.
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