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Mindfulness and Heartfulness

4-day Silent Meditation Retreat with Dr. Julia Harfensteller

24.10.-28.10.2018, Buddhistisches Haus Berlin-Frohnau


Cultivating the heart and mind is the gateway to inner wisdom and freedom:

We learn how to open up to challenges and distress in everyday life in a wholesome and compassionate way, instead of getting caught in our own emotional reactions.

We find a way to free ourselves from old habits and stress-patterns such as chewing on problems, self-blame or pushing us to the limits.

This 4-day intensive course focuses on the traditional Buddhist practices of mindfulness meditation including sitting, standing and walking meditation as well as loving-kindness meditation.

While mindfully listening to the inner experience, watching mental and bodily processes, you will learn to become more sensitive to present feelings, needs and wishes.

Away from hustle-and-bustle of everyday life, in a peaceful and protected environment, at Buddhistisches Haus you will find a supportive atmosphere to dedicate yourself to the practice and discover the inner world.

The program includes guided meditations, time for self-practice, talks delivered by the teacher and group discussions. Apart from the group discussions the retreat will be conducted in silence.


  • The course language is English and the meditation instructions will be easy to follow for everyone.
  • The course is suitable for both new and experienced practitioners.



Dr. Julia Harfensteller is meditation teacher and researcher at SAGE Institute for Mindfulness and Health in Berlin ( She teaches meditation according to her training background in the Buddhist Theravada tradition (Vipassana). In her seminars she emphasizes a natural open awareness, a wise reflection of one’s own experiences and an attitude of friendliness and heartfulness.

Preliminary Program



4:30 - 5:30 pm

Arrival and check-in

5:30 pm

Welcome and organizational questions

6:30 pm


7:30 pm

Introduction and Meditation

25., 26. and 27.10.2018

5:30 am

Mindful Movement and Meditation

7:00 am

Breakfast and Rest

8:30 am

Working Meditation Period

9:30 am

Meditation and Instructions

12:30 pm

Lunch and Rest

2:30 pm

Individual Practice Period

5:00 pm

Light Supper

6:00 pm

Evening Discussion/ Q&A and Meditation



5:30 am

Mindful Movement and Meditation

7:00 am

Breakfast and Rest

8:30 am

Working Meditation Period

9:30 am

Meditation and Closing Session

12:00 pm

Lunch, Packing up, Clean up and Departure

Food & Accommodation

The Buddhistisches Haus (BH) provides double or triple bedrooms with shared WC/ bathrooms.

Participants will be served breakfast and lunch as well as a light supper. All meals are vegetarian.

You may also attend the retreat without residing at the BH. Please indicate your preferences when you register.


Course Fees

The course fee covers:

- meals (and lodging)

- course organization and registration

- food and accommodation for the teacher and a small expense allowance for the teacher

Except for a small allowance, the course fee does not include a compensation for the teacher. According to the ancient Buddhist monastic traditions, teachers offer their retreat guidance based on donations. Donations can be given at the end of the course at the Buddhistisches Haus.

Category (4 days/nights)


With accommodation

incl. meals

250,-€ + teacher donation

Accommodation in tents on the site

incl. meals

220,- ,-€ + teacher donation

External accommodation

incl. meals

200,-€ + teacher donation

We try to keep the costs low in order to make the course available for everyone. However, if you have troubles in paying the costs, please contact us via email. We will find a solution.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

If your participation is cancelled 3 weeks before the beginning of the course, your course fees will be refunded with a cancellation fee of 20€. In case of cancellation up until 10 days prior to the course, 50% of the course fee will be refunded. In case of cancellation within 10 days before the start of the course, you will be refunded 30% of your paid fees. In case you cancel on the last working day before opening day, the full course fee is due.


For registration please write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know if you wish to stay overnight at the Buddhistisches Haus. We will come back to you with further details.

Please note that for a complete registration the course fees need to be paid. The space for accommodations at the BH is very limited, so if you wish to make sure to get a place please register as soon as possible.


SAGEInstitut für

Achtsamkeit und Gesundheit

Hannoversche Straße 2

D-10115 Berlin

Tel: +49-30-4471-9928

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