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Managing Stress and Overcoming Difficulties: Towards Developing True Happiness

4-day Meditation Retreat
with Ven Bambalapitiye Gñanaloka Thero (Sri Lanka)
October 18-22, 2017 at Buddhistisches Haus Frohnau


Ven Bambalapitiye Gnanaloka Thero 1


About the Teacher

In 1999 Venerable Gñanaloka Thero ordained as Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka. He has a special interest for solitude and simple living, and spends long periods every year in the rugged mountains of the Himalayas, Nepal & India as well as in the deep uninhabited forests of Sri Lanka. He ardently engages in meditation practice as performed in the ancient times. His teachings are direct and practical and they reflect the teachings of the Buddha in a simple manner. Born in Sri Lanka, Gñanaloka Thero has spent a part of his youth in South Africa and studied in Cyprus. He has studied and practiced Buddhism with renowned teachers such as Venerable Ñānavimala.


7:00 am


8:00 - 11:00 am


12:00 noon


3:00 - 5:30 pm

Meditation, Dhamma-Talk and Discussion

6:00 pm

Evening snack

Beginning: Wednesday, 18.10.2017, 3pm
End: Sunday, 22.10.2017, 2pm

The teacher will be giving a public talk on Sunday, 22.10.2017 from 3-4pm at the Buddhistisches Haus. You are warmly invited to join the talk. For more information please check the event calendar of the BH Website.

The course is open to both beginners as well as more experienced meditators of any kind of tradition.
The course language is English (talks will be translated into German language)

Food & Accommodation
The Buddhist House provides double or triple bedrooms with shared WC/bathrooms.
Participants will be served breakfast and lunch. All meals are vegetarian.
Participants may also attend the retreat without residing at the Buddhistisches Haus. Please indicate your preferences at your registration.

Course Fees
The course fee includes food and lodging. According to the ancient Buddhist monastic traditions, teachers offer their retreat guidance based on donations.
Donations can be given at the end of the course at the BH.

- With Accommodation: 4 nights incl. meals: 155,- € + teacher donation
- Without Accommodation: 4 days incl. meals: 95,- € + teacher donation

To register for the course send an informal participation request to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Pay the course fees and send a receipt to SAGE Institut.

Bank account details:
Account Name: Das Buddhistische Haus
Bank: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE10100400000923343800

Retreat Nanaloka Thero 2017

Contact Organizers:

Buddhistisches Haus
Tissa Weeraratna
Tel. 0172-2101514
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SAGE Institut für Achtsamkeit und Gesundheit
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Info as pdf-download


Sri Lanka