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Kathina Celebration 2557

on Saturday, 
20 Oktober 2013 - 10:30am to 6:00pm

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends of Dhamma.

In Asian countries it is customary for Buddhist monastics to remain at a staging and do not beg for food in the surrounding villages
during the rainy season. This way, they avoid to accidentally kill, worms and other creatures that come to the surface during the rain. Also in Western countries this time is used for contemplation and meditation by the ordained. They are supplied during this time with all necessities by lay followers.
After the three-month "rainy season" a big celebration takes place, the "Kathina - festival."
Here all people are given the opportunity to donate any type of gifts. Generosity is in Buddhism hailed as a fundamental virtue that creates wholesome karma.
We warmly invite you to celebrate the Kathina festival with us. Attendance and lunch are free. We look forward to a nice common celebration.

Bhante Santharakkhitha

May all beings be happy!


deutsch / singhalesisch de sl

Das Buddhistische Haus Berlin-Frohnau
(German Dharmaduta Society)

Buddha im Tempel (Das Buddhistische Haus)

Program of the celebrations for

KATHINA-festival on 20 Oktober 2013



10:30 Welcome and Puja
11:30 Lunch for monks
12:30 Break
14:00 Kathina - Robe passed and recitation
14:15 Dhamma Talk in German

We dedicate this day to all our visitors as a free gift.



Sri Lanka