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Vipassana Longterm Retreat Sardinia

Three-week silent retreat

External retreat on the island of Sardinia
November 1-21, 2025
Sat. 3pm to Fri. 12:00 noon

Course language: English (basic knowledge sufficient)


About the Retreat

This „Dharma time-out“ is intended for all those who feel the need to be on their own for a longer period of time, unbound by everyday duties, in order to make space for deeper questions and processes. Nature, mindfulness and silence will be the container of the experience unfolding. The focus will be on your own experience and the mindfulness practice that develops from it.

Bild von Sardinien
The structure of the retereat will be daily meditation sessions with one guided session per week, supported by group discussions as required. There will be times of group meditation practice (with and without guidance) as well as sharing in the group. Participation in these activities is, however, merely voluntary.

Participation in the retreat requires a willingness to help as part of mindful work. The work on site includes preparing meals, taking care of the kitchen and cleaning the rooms/bathroom facilities.

Participation only with previous experience in mindfulness and meditation (minimum retreat experience of a 4-days reatreat).
Foto von Dr. Julia Harfensteller

Course Teacher

Dr. Julia Harfensteller teaches mindfulness and insight meditation in the Vipassana tradition. Her teaching is based on her 20 years of meditation experience, often under the guidance of teachers from the Theravada Buddhist tradition in East and West but also from the Tibetan tradition (among others, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Dhammajiva, Bhante Rahula, Upul Gamage, Sharon Salzberg, Roshi Joan Halifax, Fred van Allmen, Tsoknyi Rinpoche).

During her several months of retreats in Asia, she has visited and got to know centers of various traditions in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

These include centers of S.N. Goenka, but also other centers of the Mahasi tradition (Chanmyay Yeiktha, Sayadaw U Janaka) and Pa Auk, but also with teachers whose names she has long since forgotten. Later she intensively studied the Advaita tradition (Ramana Maharishi, Mahesh Maharishi).

For various reasons, Julia has increasingly moved away from traditional teaching methods of strict meditation discipline (e.g. S.N. Goenka) and found her own approach through the open and everyday approach of S. U Tejaniya.

Julia emphasizes a relaxed awareness with all that is in the here and now. Her style is non-esoteric and undogmatic, humorous and open.

Venue: Feraxi, Süd-Sardinien
Address: Demeterhof (Azienda Agricola) Brai Loi, Località Feraxi, 09043 Muravera, Sardinien


More information and registration for this seminar on the website of our partner SAGE-Institut

As Das Buddhistische Haus does not organize seminars, we kindly ask you to contact SAGE Institute directly for all questions, thank you!

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Sri Lanka